South africa

Nom de la monnaie locale : South Africa Rand ( R )
1 SGD = 13,43 ZAR
Date de mise à jour : 2024-07-01 08:00:02


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Jul 2, 2024 - Tue
Johannesburg, ZA
clear sky
8°C clear sky
Wind 3 m/s, NNE
Humidity 68%
Pressure 768.07 mmHg
Day Cond. Temp. Wind Humidity PressurePres.
tue jul 2
sky is clear
15/13°C 4 m/s, NNW 30% 766.57 mmHg
wed jul 3
sky is clear
17/13°C 6 m/s, NW 27% 764.32 mmHg
thu jul 4
sky is clear
15/10°C 5 m/s, SSW 15% 765.07 mmHg
fri jul 5
sky is clear
12/10°C 4 m/s, SSW 17% 767.32 mmHg
sat jul 6
sky is clear
12/10°C 3 m/s, SSW 12% 766.57 mmHg



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